iReloChina and Technology
Technology has played an integral part in our business strategy ever since iReloChina was established. We are always looking for new innovative solutions that will allow us to make our services better, which over the years has resulted in the development of new digital tools that help both our team and our clients.
Property Search Platform
Our property database is entirely self-owned and provides us with the unique ability to help our clients find the most suitable homes in China. Landlords can also access the system and upload new properties, which is then updated on a continuous basis in order to keep the listings up-to-date. More than 10,000 properties on 800 compounds in each city are currently featured in the database with new ones added each day.
Visa Support System
Working visa applications are complex administrative processes. Our system allows our consultants to keep track of our clients' applications, requesting the necessary paperwork from their HR departments without any delays and sending automated alerts to clients before the permits’ expiry date.
Housing Contract Management
Our contract management system integrates a series of documents, such as lease contract, check-in, lease renewal as well as lease termination information. Through systematic management, the lease process is standardized, and at the same time, the system automatically gives reminder before lease expires. Coporate HR can download all leasing documents with one click, which greatly reduces the burden of file management.
Expense Management System
This system integrates complicated invoice and rental management, utilities payment, corporate HR can download the expense list with one click, so as to know all kinds of expenses at a glance, this system can greatly reduce HR and finance work load.